Nightmares #1 ;

ok so i apparently forgot about my nightmare.
this is going to be kinda short i guess.

i woke up at around 5am and went back to sleep after i went to the washroom.
idk why i had a nightmare tho.

In the nightmare:

i was stuck in this game. idk what game (did i watch too much SAO).
but i was apparently at the counter and behind the counter was this ugly looking, furry animal that spoke and he was like "you have to take the specific potions and put in your water gun (wtf so noob) and shoot at the monsters till they die." (so it means i must take a dinosaur potion to kill the dinosaurs, and like insect potion to kill the insects)

i just took 2 of every kind of potion and put them into the loops on my belt (which seems to be made for that purpose la) then one or two weird bottles and ran for my life.

the thing behind the counter then melted and dieded after laughing like a maniac which creeped the shit out of me.

ok then i ran into the storage room of the mall (idk why it was a mall but whatever ok it was scary).

there were alot of players there also, and i took out my phone and apparently i could log out already (aka i was not stuck in the game anymore)

but i have no idea why i stayed on wlao i was a retard.
then after that the largest monster of them all came here and like suddenly i turn back to see then the people were laying out sleeping bags like nobody's business (DAFUQ ARE YOU DOING).

then someone handed me a bomb and he/she said "eh go throw this exploding shit at him. Usopp made it" (WHY IS USOPP EVEN HERE. WAIT. WHAT.)

so anyway a few of them were already at the door waiting for the monster's arrival at the door with cages meant to be used as a shield.
then they threw fire bombs (where did they come from) at him and they ran back into the storage room (i hope that's like the safe place or else you'd still die soooooo)

after stoning for like 5s i ran to the door and i saw the monster --- some icky gooey LARGEEEE monster walking at a damn slow speed to us.
i stoned again and threw whatever was at hand to him.

then i saw it explode in the monster's face.


then something scarier behind it appeared (i forgot what) and i freaked out and woke up in shock.

yeah that's about it. i hate nightmares so much.

sorry for the spam.
here's my face in case you forgot the faggot behind all these spam. :p

(don't bash me. this is my usual stone face infront of my laptop)



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