Lucky Charm ;


Sorry for being away ! 
Sooooo . 
It would appear that people are leaving ever so frequently these days . 
It's been a torment to see my uncle suffer with all those tubes beneath his skin . 
And i'm relieved it's all over for him . 
But now .. 
It's time to face the truth that he left . 
And that there's one less member to our family . 

I really didn't expect this though . 

Period . 

It came as a shock to me . 
One fine morning , everything was alright . And then a phone call comes and it changed everything . 
We were rushing out of the door to the hospital . 

Then the second phone call came and you just know that's the end . 

Everytime i thought about my uncle , the contrast between his happy self , and his helpless , suffering self on a hospital bed was just .. Heart breaking . 

He didn't have many friends and led a conservative life . 
I really couldn't imagine the pain his wife went through . 
My grandma weeped her soul out , but i honestly thought that his wife suffered the most . 

I have never realized how easy it was for people to leave you . 

Maybe God needed more angels . 

The weirdest thing of the hospital was .. It was the place where i was born into this Earth . 
Yep that was my birth hospital . 

But that was also the place where my uncle suffered alot . Like . ALOT . 
The doctor was so irresponsible but we shall not talk about him because my blood boils and let's just say i'm sure he won't be ending up with just a few broken bones if i ever found him . 

And soon after i was needing that hospital too for my broken finger but that's another story . 
//insert moon emoji//
The colour of my splint is cute tho HEHEHEHE . 

Ok back to my topic .

I really saw how fragile life was . 
But i'm a hypocrite . 

I tell you how important your life is . 
And i tell you why you should love yourself . 

But i'm the kind that's not sure if i'd run away if a car was rushing towards me . 
And i'm the one who can't stand being in her own skin . 

So yea . 

As much as i love the people around me , i'm not sure if i'd be able to die saying "i lived a happy life" . 

I'm selfish i guess .

But for now , i hope all of you reading are happy . 
And that you're surrounded by people who love you even when you don't love yourself . 
And that you love everyone around you . 

Don't forget . When you're having a hard day and feel like venting it out on someone else , you're making their day bad and they're going to do the same . It's a cycle and it's eventually going to come back to you . 

Be nice .

You never know when their last day is .

If we all treated each other like it was everyone's last day on Earth , i'm pretty sure we'd all be happier . 

But then again , how many people are actually willing to think like that ? 

Ugh . I hate my thinking-mode . 

On another note , i finished SAO . Do y'all watch it too ? Let me know in my cbox ok . (Omg cbox sounds ancient)

I love you guys .
Thanks for existing . 



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