I'm Scared ;

Well hasn't today been a little emotional roller coaster :')

It started off pretty great actually - woke up late, had a lie in.
Then my sister woke me up (well i was already awake but i was lying in peace okay).

After that we just prepared to head out for lunch because by the time i got out of bed was 12.30pm.

Family had a little tiff which continued onto lunch and all.
After that i had a pretty uneventful afternoon baking (MY COOKIES ARE LEGIT NOT BAD PLS DON'T LAUGH AT THEM :( ) and had dinner with my parents cos my sis went out to my cousin's house to eat.

Didn't feel too good by the end of everything.
Maybe just sleepy.
But also want to finish baking all the cookies HAHA.

I shall do that later.

Plus i have to head to work by myself tomorrow cos my dad won't be free to send me to work.
That plus training at night.

On the brighter note, it's the freshers' first training !
Hopefully i feel hyped tomorrow so i get to spread good energy and not sulky vibes HAHAHAHA.

On my not so good days, i shall remember the happier ones and be thankful.
I shall just keep holding on to the good ones and remember that bad feelings go away soon !!

Tomorrow shall be better.

And if tomorrow is not better, Tuesday will be better.
For sure.
It'll get better somewhere along the way !
credit: Morgan Harper Nichols 

i swear her quotes and art is damn pretty! y'all should head over to her instagram stories if y'all are looking for new wallpapers heh.

I shall vent bake the rest of my cookies later.
I shall also create my happy list for this week!

Good Things that could happen this week:
1. Tomorrow is the freshies' first training - I GET TO MEET NEW PEOPLE! I always get some energy from meeting new people hehe.
2.One of my closer friends in the office is coming in on Tuesday! 
3. I'm watching Endgame on Tuesday too hehe.
4. Wednesday is a holidayyyyyyyyyyyyyy. 
5. I'm doing extra team training today on Wednesday morning and Friday night - SUPPORTIVE TEAM ALWAYS MAKES ME EXTRA HAPPY. :D
6. More training on Thursday - here's hoping we make some major progress this week hehe.

I have this bugging feeling i'm forgetting something this weekend, but in the meantime !!
How can weekends ever be bad :')

I'm just going to pray real hard the week will be good.

Perhaps i just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today hehe.

With each following day i'll get better.

Things will get better.

I'll be more in control of myself and i'll be happy.

I'll be okay.
With or without you, i'll be okay.



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