2024 So Far ;

Hi friends! 
I know, it's been some time since I last updated. 
But 2024 has been a crazy ride so far. 
In face, the whole of Q4 2023 till Q1 2024 has been crazy. 
I'm a crazy nag but I would like to share some highlights over the last few months, and I hope it'd be something you'd like to read too. 
(or not, but that's okay too)

November 2023

I'm engaged!
Ben proposed (quite literally) in a sea of flowers at Gardens By The Bay.
A huge shoutout to all my cousins, family, and Vicky and Rachie who helped with scamming me there.
Can't say I was fully unaware of this, but it's still such a sweet gesture.
I'm grateful for this whole thing, and being engaged has been a fever dream so far HAHA.

December 2023
I got married. Legally.
I know it sounds like a mad rush, but yknow.
Things happen (by that i mean a house, not a kid). 
And it just felt right.

We're happy, and we legalised our marriage in the presence of our loved ones. 
So... Here's to a lifetime ahead as Mrs Low.

We went to Genting during the Christmas weekend for a mini-honeymoon, and it was such a nice getaway. 
We were indeed stuck in mad jams, but thanks to the bus that had like comfy ass seats, we didn't hate our ride there, and quite enjoyed the comfort of being able to sleep like 12 hours. 
Looking forward to where Mr Low is going to bring me for our actual honeymoon. 

January 2024
January was a crazy time. So many things happened all at once, I could barely process the fact that I'm now 27.
Celebrated my birthday!! 
With people I love!!!
Got the keys to my house!! (kind of)
Went on a Company Trip to Sabah!!!!

First ever campfire since I've passed like 12. 
It was such a magical time.
I really didn't expect myself to enjoy this company trip - I was sick, stressed, and just in a really bad state. But I did anyway.
I made some friends out of it, and I'm so glad I went.

Coming back to the office after the company trip just made the office feel so quiet compared to the bustling nature of the trip.

February 2024

My first Chinese New Year as a married woman! 
The visits were usual, but Mr Low's family were exceptionally fun to get to know. 
His nieces, nephews, and cousins were all quite fun to be with so far, and I look forward to celebrating more events in the future with them.

March 2024
We started off March with a trip to Kukup Island with my mom-in-law.
This trip was actually really just lying around the house together with a huge bunch of people and singing KTV 24/7, but it made me realise some things.

People really are the outcome of the people we hang out with.
I don't consider myself as someone with a lot of friends. 
I never really found my calling with a group of people until very recently, when I really found the people I know I can talk to about everything, and they won't just support me blindly, but they will make sure we all come of out every meeting feeling better.
I truly appreciate being able to make friends, and I wish I put in more effort to find more friends whom I would have belonged to when I was younger, but I guess, that's part of learning.
Seeing my mom-in-law on this trip with her poly school friends and their families, made me realise how important it is to surround yourself with good people.
People who teach you to be better, and people who are inherently good as a person.

I never realised how similar friends can be.
Speaking to my mom-in-law's friends just felt the same as speaking to her.
They all used positive words, and they choose to put everything in a better light.
It made all the conversations feel so... comforting and empowering. 
This trip was initially meant to just be a relaxing trip that allowed me to shut off my brain, but I ended up doing so much reflection, and I'm just so grateful that I had the time in this busy period to do this.

Afterwards was a lot of adulting.
We started looking around for stuff that will prepare us for moving in to our house, or the wedding.
This tea set, was just adorable. 

We finally bought a fridge and washing machine, and that makes our house now a liveable place. 
Because that's the 2 electronics I really need. HAHA.
Also, have I ever mentioned that laundry is one of my weakest household chore skillset? 

I can't operate washing machines without reading the manual.....
I have no idea.
Mr Low has expressed deep regret in this.
He just "ok nevermind bro i'll do it" after I expressed how I suck at laundry.
The sigh.
I felt it in my bones.
But I think our washing machine which looks very self-explanatory with all the buttons, is finally going to change that.
I'll tell you guys about my experience about this again next time. Heh.

We also went and tried on some wedding gowns to get an idea of what looks better, just to get an idea of what I should look for for my pre-wedding photoshoot the end of April.
Yes, that's this month.
And yes, this was my favourite out of all the ones I've tried.
Please don't tell me how bad it looks if that's what you think because this dress just made me feel so happy.
I appreciate your opinion, but if it's going to be a wet blanket, please save it.
Thank you.

And now, we're in April.
The first quarter of 2024 just passed by in a flash, and I haven't even began to process what we've actually already went through.
But, I've been very grateful.

The past few months haven't been easy.
I went from being a somewhat older child managing to fake being an adult, to having to ACTUALLY be an adult to deal with all the problems in my life.
Went from bring a sloth at home, to now owning a house, and preparing the house, to realising that money is truly as important, if not even more important than I thought it was.

Life has been a roller coaster ride, but I guess that will never change.
It will always be a roller coaster ride, and I'm glad I started to love the adrenaline that roller coasters give me. 

If you're struggling in your life too,  just know that you're not alone, and that we are in this altogether.
We're all surviving the days we thought was the worst day of our lives, and I think we're doing a fricking amazing job at it.
Some days are going to feel like a drag, like nothing is working out. Like nothing is worth the effort we put in. And like all the work we put in is just going to waste.
But I'm sure we're all making progress. 
We're all doing our best, and that's enough.

You're doing amazing sweetie.
Hang in there!!! 

I can't wait to come back and hear from you again.
Bye for now!!



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