Nobody's Somebody ;

 Good evening!
We're almost halfway through December, how have you been?

Has December been kind to you? 
Have you been doing well?

I've been dragging my feet around on some days, but we just had a really successful Christmas Party at Safe Space, and it was really rejuvenating :")

I'm sharing some pictures here that were taken on the day, so you can be witness to my small win.
Thank you for being my pillars of support while i was stressing out over the event.
For taking time out of your insane schedules to listen to me, comfort me, help me wherever you could, and being there for me the whole time :") 
I'm so grateful to you two.

This was the calm before the guests arrived, but it was so nice to have everyone together.

Some photos of our guests and employees. :")

I couldn't have done this without any of you.
Thank you for existing where you are.

It was overwhelming, tiring, exhausting, and scary to plan for all of these on such a short time period.
But it was also overwhelmingly satisfying to have so many people tell me the event turned out well. 

Truly rainbow after the storm.

Super thankful to everyone who made this possible.

Shout out to Cedric who was my photographer for the night! 
He says he isn't good at events, but the photos turned out super nice :") 

This was such a good experience, despite all the stress before the event. 
And the unnecessary fretting.
And the scary expectations.
And the fear of disappointment.

It turned out way better than i expected, and i'm super duper grateful for all the help that my colleagues, friends, and more have given me during this time.
Thank you for understanding me when i'm snappy, stressed, tired, and angsty.

It paid off.

I've been feeling absolutely spoiled by people around me spending time and eating with me.
Especially when i struggled with my appetite 2 weeks ago.

December is the best month of the year for me. 

I love Christmas.
I love people going on leave, and snapping happy photos.

I love seeing the lights on the streets.
I love seeing others together.

I love the season, it's rainy, cooling, and yet it never feels too cold outside with so much warmth to go around.
I love giving gifts, wrapping presents. 

I love unwrapping thoughtful gifts.
I love knowing people thought of you.

I love December.

There's probably so much more to unfold in the upcoming 19 days left of December, but i'm already so grateful, i really cannot imagine it getting better than this.

2022, you have been kind.
I've cried, smiled, screamed, cheered.
I've grown, moved on, climbed, and hustled.

It wasn't always sunshine and rainbows, but even then, i'm grateful.
In the darker days, i found light was near me the whole time.
I found friends who loved me a little harder, and held me a little closer.
I found comfort in my home, and outside of my home.

I tried things i've never tried before, and i've learrned more than i thought i would.

I learned to love myself more, and in turn, provide for others more readily.

2022, you have been wonderful.
Thank you.

And thank YOU. 
For being here, for listening/reading, for supporting me.
For rooting for me.

And if you ever feel too alone, don't forget, i'm rooting for you too.

2023, i think i'm ready for you.

With more love,


  1. Hi.. Here I'm again.. will this be the last post of 2022? I guess it's a yes..

    Life is a learning curve.. Laugh when you can, cry when you need to. Scream when you want. Apologize when you should. Smile everyday. When everything's over.. you will noticed you learned something new.
    Stress is a way of progression. You will see growth and sense of achievement when you got over it. Just give your best shot(i know you always do).

    Unlike you, I don't like December. Alone under the lights. Watching people going on holidays with their love ones. While I'm usually alone.

    Wishing you a great 2023 ahead.

    Lastly, Merry Christmas and a happy new year.. And a super advance HBD.

    Warmest regards,
    It's me

    1. thank you for your kind words as always :")

      December is the merriest of months, but i guess it does feel pretty lonely too.
      it's okay! sometimes we have to learn to be happy for others' happiness too, even if we're still looking for ours.

      I wish you a Merry Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

    2. Thank you too. You taught me a view from the other end. (Another side of the world) :)

      Are you traveling this holiday season?


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